Anti-smoking pill

Teen Girls Using Pills, Smoking More Than Boys

By Ceci ConnollyWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, February 9, 2006; Page A03
Teenage girls, having caught up to their male counterparts in illegal drug use and alcohol consumption, now have the dubious distinction

The results are doubly disturbing, researchers said, because they run counter to trends indicating an overall decline in teenage drug use and because young women appear to suffer more serious health consequences as a result.
Teenage girls, having caught up to their male counterparts in illegal drug use and alcohol consumption, now have the dubious distinction of surpassing boys in smoking and prescription drug abuse. In the past two years, in fact, more young women than men started using marijuana, alcohol and...','Ceci Connolly') ;
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Adolescent girls who smoke, drink or take drugs are at a higher risk of depression, addiction and stunted growth. And because substance abuse often goes hand in hand with risky sexual behavior, they are more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease or become pregnant, warns the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which will announce its findings in New York.
The new analysis is based on the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which interviewed members of 70,000 households. Conducted annually by

There is no single reason why girls are smoking, drinking and taking pills more than ever. Academics, therapists, teachers and teenagers themselves report that today's young women live in an increasingly stressful environment; many are worried about their appearance, eager to date older boys or recovering from physical or sexual abuse. Unlike young men, who often use illegal substances for an adrenalin rush, teenage girls use alcohol or drugs as an escape.
"Girls want to do what older guys are doing or they want to be cool," said Meghan Ward, 18, a volunteer in a Connecticut community service group called Peer Advocates. "Girls do feel a lot of stress -- everything from school, to most of us work, we have boyfriends and we want to maintain good friendships. It's hard."
The results came as something of a surprise to John Walters, director of the White House program, since illegal drug use by children ages 12 to 17 has fallen 19 percent in the past 5 years, a statistic President Bush touted in his recent State of the Union address.

While some progress has been made, the administration statistic misses the fact that the use of alcohol and prescription drugs is rising, said Joseph A. Califano Jr., chairman of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.
"We have not done a good job of keeping alcohol and drugs out of the hands of kids," he said. In Columbia's latest survey, 42 percent of teenagers reported they would have no trouble purchasing marijuana in a day. "That's 11 million kids."
In 2002, 2003 and 2004, girls exceeded boys as first-time marijuana smokers, and they far surpass young men when it comes to prescription drug abuse, according to the government survey. In 2004, the last year for which data are available, 1.5 million girls began drinking, 730,000 started smoking cigarettes and 675,000 began smoking marijuana.